Prefer costal but will consider other
Private person - Advertiser: HWGraham93531 KeeneUnited States 78 years - Single American None Non-Smoker | No Driver's license | No Allergies Retired Retail Executive | Retired |
Needs and Preferences: United States No special wishes towards the landlord |
Requirements on Tenancy: 2022 Dec 5 Open € 50 hours offered |
What I can offer:
Hi my name is Harvey Graham. I am, single, retired and looking for part time work 12 to 15 hours a week in exchange for living accommodations. I seek this work because I like to stay active. I want to do something I enjoy which is working outside, with animals particularly horses and gardening. I am very hands on, a problem solver, an independent worker and enjoy building and repairing things. I have spent the past several years tending to 5 acres and extensively remodeling my home just outside of Dallas TX. I sold my home and am currently traveling in my small RV. Before retirement I spent over 35 years as a retail executive. I was transferred to many cities and states to open, run and remodel many stores. Don’t let the word executive lead you to think that I only directed a team. Every issue no matter how big or small involves analyzing the issue and being hands on to fix or solve it. I grew up in southeastern Ohio surrounded by farms, worked in the hayfields, plowed fields, planted corn, planted tomatoes from seed, had a horse, raised pigs, homing pigeons as well as my grandfather had a small dairy farm and apple orchard. My uncle owned and ran the local garage which I spent a great deal of time at learning how to repair things. I have a resume from my retail career if you would like a copy. I am honest, conscientious, detailed. I have never been arrested and have a very good credit standing. I have always owned my own home so have no rental history.
Item No. 693 - Report entry